St. Louis County Council Approves a New Casino for the Riverfront
The last time I went to the casino, I not only lost my hard-earned $40, but also a prized walking stick. The walking stick was made of hickory and had a compass on the top of it. It was one of my favorites. I just leaned it up against one of the slot machines and went to get a drink, and when I got back, someone had taken it. I assume that it was stolen, because no one turned it in at the lost and found.
Let me say firsthand that I am not very much of a gambler. I go to the casino about once every couple of months and I never take more than about $50 with me. I do know some people who go almost every day, and most of them can’t afford to lose, but most of them do.
One friend routinely takes his bill money and gambles it at the dice table. Sometimes he wins and the bills get paid and other times he loses and he and his family go without lights for a while. Another fellow can’t wait to get to the casino to gamble away his unemployment check. Not exactly what the government had in mind when they issue them.
This problem has become prevalent all over the world as the youth are so addicted to gambling that they don’t even hesitate to gamble away their entire wealth just for the sake of satisfying their temptations with one of my friends even asking me to list out kumpulan situs judi online so as to lookup for the best one.
The problem is that most people who live in the inner city gamble, whether it’s at one of the casinos or tossing the dice in some back alley. They also play the lottery a lot. If you talk to them they always have a system and it’s just a matter of time before they think that they are going to strike it big. But they rarely do.
According to the Riverfront Times, it looks like they are going to build another casino and this time it’s in the worst part of the city that it could possibly be. We already have five in the area and most of them are in areas where the income level is fairly high. Now they want to build one in one of the poorest areas of the city: north St. Louis. It will also be by far the largest casino in the area if it’s built, with 8,000 parking spaces, a wind farm, and a golf course.
There is some opposition to the plan however. Environmental groups say that the area is near the river and one of the few remaining natural wetlands in the area. It also is in a flood plain and building a large commercial development in a flood plain is never such a good idea.
The plan has been approved by the county council by a vote of 4-2. I think that it should be put up for a public vote, so everyone can decide instead of just a couple of people with vested interests.