Multi Table Texas Holdem Strategy – Learn about the strategy

Casino, Poker

Like a single table Texas Holdem tournament, a multi table tournament is depicted by three stages: An early, middle and late stage, all of which you must adjust your strategy to. There is a difference however. Strategy that is played in a single table Texas Holdem tournament is played a lot more extremely in a multi-table tournament. The leagues and tournaments at Judi online are the best and simple to offer the winning experience to the gamblers. The participation is with the skills and intelligence of the gamblers. There are high chances of increasing the bank account with real cash. 

Early stages of a multi-table tournament

Like playing a single table Texas Holdem tournament , you should play tight poker in the early stages of a multi-table tournament. But as I have said above, the strategy must be applied much more extremely. You should play very, very tight poker. It is wise to play only very top pocket hands. I would suggest playing starting hands with a point value of 36+ on the Hutchison Point Count System. This extremely tight play will allow you to stay in the game while all the inexperienced, loose players go bust.

Remember, in a multi table Texas Holdem tournament you could be up against hundreds of players, on some poker websites they allow up to 999 players in a multi table Texas Holdem tournament. This means you want to play very tight, play very aggressively when you have a playable hand and watch the number of players in the tournament decrease rapidly before you begin to play that bit looser. You should also think strongly against bluffing at this stage and the only time you should deviate from playing very top hands is when you are in a late position and play is checked or called to you. But you should not deviate much. You don’t want a slow playing player to fool you into thinking they have nothing good.

Middle stage of a multi-table tournament

At this stage you can expect that all the inexperienced and loose players will have gone bust. The number of players will also have decreased meaning you have gotten closer to the money. It is advised that you begin to loosen up you play and play more hands at this stage. This is the best time to try and build your chip stack. It is also imperative that you do so. Getting to the final table with the lowest chip stack may see you eliminated fairly quickly. Even worse is to get to the last few tables with a small chip stack and be eliminated only a short time before you get to the money. Again just like single table Texas Holdem tournaments, you should look to steal the blinds with semi-bluffs wherever you can. Playing very tight in the early stages will help you here as you will have a solid table image and by bluffing it is more likely that other players will expect you to have a good hand. Playing this way is advised only in a late position. You don’t want too many players calling or raising if you decide to play a semi-bluff.

The number one priority here is to build your chip sack. So keep that on your mind with every hand you play. I would recommend playing a hand with a point count of 30+ on the Hutchison Point Count System at this stage.

Late stage of a multi-table tournament

The late stage of a multi-table Texas Holdem tournament will usually b reached when you reach the final table. Just like the late stage of a single table tournament strategy, this is because you have reached the money. You may criticize and say that in online poker, the final 27 or so players get paid. Ok, but only the last 9, or the final table get paid anything decent. The rest get paid only what they have paid to play or a small bit more. So let’s focus on the final table. Let’s say you have got to the final table with a good chip stack or are chip leader, I would recommend playing a few hands tight. Why? Just to take the time to observe the other players and try and build a profile of them. You want to win so don’t just get stuck straight in trying to win pots blind. Don’t however start playing as if it were a single table tournament. After you have played a few tight hands and have observed the other players, start applying the correct strategy which is to play loose and aggressive.

Bully players that are below you in chip size and punish their calls or checks. Don’t play rubbish hands, play hands that have a point count of around 24+ on the Hutchison Point Count System. Players that have a low chip stack are in danger of loosing their chips to paying blinds so they are forced to play relatively more loosely than the rest of the table, especially if their chip stack is really low. Try eliminating as many of these players as you can and take their chips to take the lead or build on your lead. On the other hand, if you reach the final table with a low chip stack, look to double up straight away. With any decent hand go all in. If you fail to double up soon you will be in danger of loosing your chips to the blinds. In summary, your play at the final table should be characterized by aggressive play, risk taking, bullying if you have a big chip stack and doubling up if you hold one of the smaller chip stacks at the table.